

Company name: KUBAK STIL d.o.o. for trade and services

Headquarters: Samoborska Cesta 145 E, Zagreb 10090

OIB: 27731477687

MBS: 030124319

Statistic number: 02953293

The company is registered with the Commercial Court in Zagreb

Giro account: Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d. No. 2484 0081 10657 4385

IBAN: HR6624840081106574385


Board member: Ali Hakan Kubak

Director: Ali Hakan Kubak

Share capital: HRK 3,190,200.00 paid in full

Kubak stil limited liability company for trade and services is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under business number Tt-17 / 29054-2


Privacy policy


Privacy Policy describes how “Kubak stil d.o.o ..” handles your personal information that it receives while using the Website.


Personal identification data includes your identification data: name and surname, e-mail address, home address, place of residence, contact number, ie data that are not otherwise publicly available, and which he learns about while using the website, ie filling out the contact form contact and send inquiries.


"Kubak stil d.o.o." undertakes to use your personal data only for identification purposes when using the website, in order to enable you to use all the options provided.


"Kubak stil d.o.o." will keep your personal information confidential, will not distribute it, publish it, give it to third parties for the use, or in any other way make it available to any third party without your prior consent.


Legal notice


Any use of www.jeordiesmen.com is subject to the following terms and conditions. Documents published on this website may only be copied for non-commercial purposes and for individual use only, subject to all copyrights, other proprietary rights, and any stated limitations. Therefore, it may not be further copied, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the express consent of “Kubak stil d.o.o.”.


“Kubak stil d.o.o.” will make reasonable efforts to find accurate and current information on the said website, but cannot be held responsible for its accuracy and completeness. All users who access www.jeordies.com.hr/ use its content at their own risk.

“Kubak stil d.o.o.” shall not be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages arising out of access, use, or inability to use

www.jeordiesmen.com or due to any error or incompleteness in its content.


“Kubak stil d.o.o.” reserves the right to change the content of this website in any way, at any time, and for any reason, and will not be liable for any possible consequences arising from such changes.